Wednesday, October 15, 2008

stocks and life

When stock markets celebrated new year with gusto, who could have thought that within days all dreams will tumble…and in less than a year, the valuation will come down to less than a half!

Anyone predicting this ghastly scenario must have been termed a buffoon…a rotten pessimist who did not deserve to live as a thinking human being.

Now, the mankind must be convinced, more than ever, about the fallibility of their castles built on arrogance and misplaced beliefs.

The operation of stock markets is no different from life – daily ups and downs. Sometimes there are significant movements upward, but one can be rest assured that downward journey is on the cards.

On the rosier side….if there is a downward journey, it may also turn out to be a stepping stone towards a more robust jump to the top. A jump which may be `staying and solid’, if not `spectacular and gravity-defying’

One lesson which life can take from stock markets. There is no rock bottom in an average life…as much as there is no summit.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Existential Dilemma

To understand the nature of this world is really tough. So our response to it is often confused and varied. Sometimes it (the world) attracts us like a real magnet. And at times, one desires to renounce anything and everything.

This dialectics between affinity and revulsion defines our very existence. Generally our moments of triumph mark our affinity, while revulsion usually comes after some really painful events. Though it is not a set rule, but generally this is the way it is. Only saints can enjoy a feeling of revulsion (renunciation) in their moments of triumphs. But they must surely be on the verge of extinction in today’s world.

The best way to live should be by enjoying both the states of existence. But there is nothing better then enjoying your moments of despair. That only can be done by counting one’s blessings. What’s a bloody life without its share of trials and tribulations. Is not that the reason why rich and famous often perish in pursuit of thrill and adventure? Too good is too bad at times.

If life is understood as one small stretch between two infinite existences which one is not yet aware of, it can be led in a much better way. Unfortunately, most people are too much obsessed with the present to lose very sight of the pleasure that must come along with it. Intrigues for fast bucks and cozy life, as well as their insecurities, dominate their existence, which can spoil the very idea of a perfect life.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Think of eternity

Just think of a situation where you are only few minutes away from death. Try and think that you are taking nothing away from this world, leaving your wife/husband and children behind. You do not know what will happen after few minutes, but you will surely lose all you ever had. You will also not know whether you will vanish or be born as human or bird or some animal or insect. But surely you will be leaving all you have earned to be enjoyed by the others.

Just think of it. Hard and deep. You will really feel some kind of change. But think of this situation without any interruption from your cell, subordinates or colleagues. It will change your perspective, your world. After all, how many times every day do you remember your deceased friends and relatives, even parents.

So be good and live the moment.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

So many times it happens in life....

At times you feel that you deserve something but still do not get your due.

Often, what you feel you deserve get stolen, and you can’t do anything about it.

That becomes very demoralizing, leading to irrational thought processes.

A calm mind does overcome even a storm, but when the storm is brewing, keeping it calm does need very strong character, and little bit of support.

That is why reading religious scriptures, and listening to religious discourses is very important. They may not be the word of God, and only written by sages, but they are definitely the balm that soothes the mind.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Real Greatness...

The real essence of life, and your comprehension of it, lies not just in trusting people

It is in trusting people who, you know, can repeatedly betray you.

And still you trust them again and again! Even at the cost of being branded a fool.

This is the real understanding because this approach of yours shows your abiding faith in human character. It confirms your belief that even the most hopeless cases are not beyond redemption.

Stories in this blog in January

That sense of invincibility...
You are never on your own...

Friday, January 4, 2008

That sense of invincibility...

It is inevitable to feel invincible most of the time.

When in the pink of your health, do you ever believe that you will fall sick. Or worse, die.

This thought never crosses the mind and hence results in all the ills of this world.

But that is how we are biologically made up. We never believe something bad can happen to us until it happens.
Those who realise this 'biological fog', that envelops our essence, also realise that only doing good will give lasting peace, and not being evil.

And only this realisation leads to good deeds, and lasting peace.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

You are never on your own...

The only time one is on his own is when one has been cremated!

For the rest of the life, you need the other life to support you, feed you, help you, interact with you.

That life could be humans, animals, plants....anthing fuelled by the living cells.

So never say you are on your own. You will only be inviting a living death.

You always need someone, so look out for that someone if he or she is not already in your life.

Never ever try to be on your own.