Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Have you seen children squabbling for property even before their ailing father is gone, or the body of the departed soul has been laid to rest.

I am sure most of you must have come across such instances before. And, for sure, would have found the situation extremely repulsive. Some children won’t wait till all the rites are completed as they won’t like other to have a headstart in the race for lucre.

Our political parties are no different. Pre-poll alliances hold no sanctity. Shameless courting is the order of the day. They won’t wait for May 16. They did not even wait for May 13 to be over! Even after two or three phases, the attempts to form new alliances had begun.

Come on man. Respect your old alliance partners. Respect the voters (the ailing dad). The poor voter has already made his will. Hold till you read the will!

Remember the days of eighties and nineties. When despite all skepticism, you had held on to your partners. If this is what 21st century is all about, then the 20th was far better despite all its problems!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


When I see the world around me, I feel grateful to the God for making me what I am. And I am also grateful to my family and some close friends for making me what I am.

It is tough to survive in this world full of hostile forces all round…but that is the challenge as well. And that challenge can be taken head-on if we realize that we all are part of the same cosmos.

In this cosmos, good and evil exist side-by-side and both are integral to its existence. There are times when sheer persistence of the good overcomes the ill-effects of evil. And there are times evil will win. But that should not make us dispirited. It is important to do what one believes is right.

Our lives are miniscule in this ever-expanding, everlasting universe. But that does not make them meaningless. One good here, and one good there makes them worthwhile. Hundreds years from now, more than 99% of the present humanity will be gone. Only things that will remain are the worthwhile deeds.