Monday, January 11, 2010

tribute to a tough woman

A sense of loss is there for sure, even though I may be forgiven for showing no overwhelming grief. I was not as emotionally attached to Late Sudha Khanduja. Not as much as her other son-in-law, son and daughters. Though I did admire my mother-in-law, who passed away this Thursday, if only for her steely resolve

It was a resolve hidden in her soft persona. She was very caring and considerate, even to those she was not related by blood. She was so tough that in last three months, even as she was confined to bed, hospitals and ICU, she never once lost her will to live. In her last days, she very well knew what was in store, but never lost her smile, and concern for her children.

Living with a husband who got transferred again and again because of his honesty, and also rigidity (possibly, stupidity to relations and well wishers) in following certain norms, is not easy. Especially when you have three children to take care of. She singlehandedly ensured that their education did not suffer and right values were inculcated. Today one is a software engineer and other two are lecturers in Delhi University.

Everyday we read about heroes and heroines, but millions of such women go unnoticed. The women who make such heroes and heroines, and perish away. Late Sudha Khanduja was one such person. Thought, some people in my circle, who have never met her, should know this.

Though I have not cried even once, but I deeply mourn her loss. May her soul rest in peace. Her lifelong sufferings, labour, resolve, and still a cheerful spirit and zest for life is a great education in living.

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