Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Behave like a Superwoman/Superman

And you can do that by discovering your own qualities

In last three days I watched two movies – a repeat watch of Hollywood blockbuster Pretty Woman, and Bollywood’s arguably biggest grosser Om Shanti Om.

As I was getting carried away by some good performances, and some average ones but which struck popular note, I once again (for the millionth time) realized that everybody can’t be as handsome as Richard Gere, as popular as Shah Rukh Khan, or as glamorous as say Julia Roberts.

But then there is no harm in thinking that you are as good as these guys. I am not trying to advise you to be haughty or arrogant, but having tremendous self-belief is always advisable

After watching such movies on larger than life screen, in our own unique ways we comb our hair in style, purchase some stunning outfits, and seek to acquire some confidence, but it does not last for very long time. Soon we are back to where we are, ordinary mortals grappling with everyday problems.

But then the important thing is to respect yourself for your qualities – the qualities which may not make lots of money or generate popularity, but these are what these people may not have. They are worth holding on to for a very very long time. But which are these qualities, that is something you have to discover yourself.

It is very important to respect yourself for what you are because your uniqueness is greater than anything anyone else has ever achieved. Do not compete with them. Compete with yourself to be better than what you are.

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