Monday, December 3, 2007

What is Grace

Does grace mean standing tall amidst all adversity?

Or it signifies keeping your poise even when the men/women you have helped, admired, loved stab you in the back?

Or does it mean holding on to your values you cherish for as long as you can?

Possibly, it is the mix of all three.

He or She is graceful has got nothing to do with beauty, but with the glow that comes from knowing that you continue to fight all adversity. From birth to the end it is a huge fight against elements.

The biggest challenge to keeping one's grace comes from the inability of the fellow humans to comprehend that nobody lives for ever. So, they tend to make impossible demands on graceful living.

But then the life is a one big challenge fighting these demands. One may not succeed, but it is certainly worth the try.

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