Friday, December 14, 2007

Have half of what you like!

It is easy to preach when you are rich, but then one must give attention to it if it makes sense. Where it comes from does not matter. So it was interesting to hear what socialite couple Yash and Avanti Birla (of the famous Birla family of India) had to say on Spiritualism.

''Spirituality is the foundation of life, writes Yash, and adds that just because one is spiritual does not mean one can't have any material possession.''

His idea is to maintain a fine balance. ''If I like 10 things, I should indulge in five of them.''

It is very important to understand this. Just having half of what you like will take the greed out of the equation (provided you can afford what you like). The rest of the money can be used for Charitable purposes, or on the needy ones.

Equally important is the connection of spiritual with material. It does take a great deal of effort to establish this connection. But those who manage it are able to enjoy the fruits of their labour at the same time without getting too much connected with it.

I must end here with what Avanti has to say.

''I can buy as much jewellery or furniture as I want to. But what next. You can't sleep with it or take it to god...''

Sure, to sleep peacefully, you need as little Jewellery on your body as possible.

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