Tuesday, December 4, 2007


‘’God is a Comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh,’’ says Voltaire

The first thing that hits you is the description of God as a Comedian. Now, is not a Comedian meant to bring happiness to one’s life and take away the misery from it. That is what you expect when you go to a circus, or watch a movie.

But probably God as a comedian has totally different meaning as, awestruck, we watch his magical acts – sometimes pleasant to us and sometime repugnant – with a mix of happiness and horror. He is the ruler and does as it pleases him.

Perhaps, we can understand God better if we take even his acts of, what we perceive as cruelty, as just comedy meant to entertain us. Though it may not always be possible, but sometimes it is, if we realize that this life is just a speck of dusk at his mercy.

Voltaire, by his statement, wants us to enjoy even the misery at times because, after all, it is God’s act.

Life is a comedy of errors and rhapsody of achievements. But they all become redundant when life has completed it course. So try and enjoy each moment of it. Be an audience who is not too afraid to laugh because God, after all, is a Comedian. He does not mean wrong in the long run – and this long run is much much longer than the duration of this life.

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