Thursday, December 13, 2007

Perfectionism is the enemy of good

Delegate because even God delegates. He sends his messengers to take the message of good. Experience also teaches us that things can never be perfect. There is always a better way of doing things.

He is a perfectionist. We hear this often about people who seek to excel in their life. Not surprisingly, many of them, as we find, are fearful of delegating because they are afraid that things may not go the way they want them to be. They want everything to happen to the minutest detail in the way they wish it should be done.

But this attitude, even in a supremely competitive world, is not without its pitfalls. The experience teaches us that the endeavour to reach from good to perfect takes many times more energy than just trying to do something in a good way. So over a period, this becomes telling on our health, impacting it adversely. You reach the pinnacle, but at what cost!

Secondly, the failure to delegate puts too much pressure as individualism takes precedence over the organisational dynamics. One fails to establish a system and long term suffering follows.

Third, the obsession of an individual with perfectionism rules out any healthy discussion, so integral to taking things forward. A perfectionist usually does not believe that someone else can be better.

Take any religion, God sends its men (Avtaars) to spread and preach good values, and fight the evil. Now these avtaars (incarnations) are not God, and can never be as perfect as God. But they have been good enough to do the job which the almighty ordained them to do. And they do it in an extremely competent way.

So please leave aside single-minded pursuit of perfectionism. It could take the fun out of life. In any case, perfect is just a concept. A good and competent job a reality.

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